The other day I found myself in a local Thrift Shop (surprise, surprise:o))...and stumbled over THIS quilt!! Living on the West Coast of Canada, I have always wanted to make a forest VERY similar to this one...
Bear with me...the pictures are NOT great...I was sandwiched between rows of quilts and bedding...and even if I should take it out, the shop was crammed with other delights. In other words, I had no room to spread this mother out...and she was a big one!
OK...I want you to REALLY look at this quilt...see the blocks at the you see anything wrong with them? I really liked the way the quilter kept all the lighter greens on the same side of each the illusion of the sunlight hitting the trees. But look at the branches...see how the dark side appears to be longer. At first I thought it was because they were darker in colour and just naturally drew your eyes to that! Nope...look closely... The quilter should have made the two top lighter branches longer...I know I am picky but I noticed it right away...and I bet you did too! haha you see it here?
The other thing wrong with the quilt was that it had been tied and all the batting was in lumps and bumps. Whoever buys this quilt would have to take it apart and re-do the batting and quilting.
The overall appearance of the quilt was stunning...LOVED it! Wouldn't it look wonderful draped over a chair or on a bed over the Winter months!
Did I like it enough to buy it? Well, I hummed and heed...but in the end I walked away! There were too many things wrong with the quilt...the setting (which I could have lived with), the trunks were lifting off and needed repair, it wasn't well made...several puckers here and there...and then there was the issue with the batting...BUT I did LOVE it enough to pull this book out when I got home...It's Cheri Payne's "301 Country Christmas Quilt Blocks"...LOVE THIS BOOK!!! Why...?
...because I remembered that Cheri had put this block in her book~(take the top branches off and you have the exact same block!!)
It is almost identical to the quilt's trees...except Cheri realized that the left side of the tree has to be 1 1/2" longer than the right to account for the log cabin 'effect'! And I saved myself $50...Fifty dollars that I can put into my next quilt! And I also look at it this way...some non-quilter is going to buy this tree quilt and is going to love it for the sake that it is a beautiful quilt...and not look at it through the eyes of a quilter... because let's face it, WE DO look at quilts differently! Don't WE?...or is it just ME....? :oO
Have a Sunny Sunday and Happy Stitching!~P