Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It’s a WOOLIE Wednesday!

Remember how I said that my friend Claire is a bad influence…well she is up to her old tricks AGAIN!  Claire placed a wool order…and asked if would I like anything…I of course, said I didn’t NEED anything BUT what was she ordering…WRONG thing to ask! 

I took one look at the samples and told her to double her order!!  What’s a Wool Crazy to do??  Wouldn’t YOU say yes too!!  Just look at this lovely wool…the textures are wonderful!!P1150484-1

Wish you could feel how soft it is….


NEXT TIME Claire brings out her sample card and says she is placing an order, I will stick my fingers in my ears, close my eyes and say “Blah…blah…blaaaahhhh” until she puts it away!! 

My name is Paulette…and I have a problem!  If you have the same problem..and would like to place an order than you can go HERE, to Hollyhock Hills!  Talk to Melvina!

For your information I do other things with wool besides stroke it and drool over it…:o)….

I have started to trace out this pattern onto Steam a Seam Lite…

P1150493 the hopes of making this Wool Quilt…The Autumn Quilt by Heart to Hand.


My new wool is going to be PERFECT in this quilt…but before I cut it…maybe just a few more strokes and cuddles…

If you are interested, you can order your own pattern HERE and we can work on it together…just sayin’… (A little of Claire has rubbed off on me…:o)

Have a Woolie Wednesday and Happy Quilting!~P


  1. Great wools for pennies and wool projects. I think I have all of those, lol. I really do love new wool, thrift is nice but a lot of work. I really need to get my wool organized and start dying all the thrifts. I usually leave the whites and tans for later, in case I need a special color, then I can dye it.


  2. Ha Ha, it's an addiction to be sure!lol!

    As we speak, I am sitting stitching a block of that Autumn quilt and those wools are just going to be perfect for the quilt. Beware, when you start it, the housework will be left to mount up!

    Enjoy it all, I am drooling:)

    Does your friend Claire have a blog too? Sounds like she is a wool addict too:)


  3. Ooooooh, you are so bad to leave us wool addicts drooling like that Paulette! LOLOL
    Such yumminess from those lovely wools! Thanks for sharing another source we can buy from, ha.


  4. oh my goodness another beautiful wool project in the works! I'm drooling (good thing I'm not near your wool - LOL)

  5. You can never have TOO MUCH WOOL!!!!

  6. Wool is the best. Hey, can I work with you on the Autumn Quilt? I've finished 9 blocks, but I'm sure you'll catch up to me by the time I get 10 - 12 in the mail. LOL By the way...I'm the one sitting next to you in the 12 step meeting!

  7. Well then Anne and Paulette - I'm sitting on either side of you in that meeting - it's a sickness I know - but isn't it great, lol. Love that quilt project Paulette - love all of her patterns like that. I know the wool sample cards your talking about - I drool everytime I get mine in the mail and yes I do order, lol.

    Hugs - Karen

  8. Hi Paulette,
    You'll LOVE making this quilt :)
    But be warned you'll end up doing the Christmas one too, and there's a new 'Home' one just out!
    (I just signed up for that one...hehehe)
    I think there's even a 'Garden' one , I missed that one :(
    They are such fun to make...all that woolly yumminess .. lol!
    Have fun!
    Hugs Wendy x

  9. That does look lovely! They do look perfect for the Autumn quilt. And isn't that the perfect project to do as the weather starts to cool!

  10. Oh I do love that autumn wool quilt. but I need a new project like another hole in my head!
