Friday, October 4, 2013

What’s on YOUR Lap?

Yesterday I showed pictures of the Heritage Quilt Guild ‘Show and Tell’…today I want to show you pictures of some of the projects that were being worked on while the ladies visited, shared coffee and goodies!

Isn’t this quilt lovely!  It was in the processes of getting pinned…ready for quilting!

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Yes, I like this one a lot!

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And here is the SAME quilt done in a different colour way!!  I like this one too…but it looks totally different!

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Vicky was busy working on her bits and pieces for a wool runner…she stitches all of her wool applique things together before she appliques them to her background piece.  Notice the staples holding everything together…Vicky does INCREDIBLE work!

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This is the pattern that she is working on…(terrible picture but you get the idea!)

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This is what Glynis was working on…LOVE IT!!  This was a free pattern from Australian designer, Anni Downs, back in 2011.  The GOOD news is…YOU can still get this pattern HERE…and it’s still FREE!!  Thank you, Anni!!  Glynis added wool to her project and it just pops that house!

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Sandy has started stitching Frosty Mugs!!  We all bought the kit when it was only $25 from Dorr Wool!  I just checked Dorr’s online shop and they are still selling it but for $35 which is still a GREAT deal!  If you are new to wool work this is the way to go!  Check out Dorr’s Kits…they are VERY reasonable…but keep an open mind!  Wool is very expensive!!  Buying a kit from Dorr’s is going to be a lot cheaper than going out and buying all of the pieces of wool…plus you know their wool is going to be gorgeous and top quality!

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Tracy is getting ready for Halloween…cross stitching these little hangers…very cute and tons of work!

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Jane was hand appliqueing a teapot block…can’t wait to see what she makes!  I’ll keep you posted!


Helen’s fingers were flying…LOVE the colours of this wool!  You could tell that she REALLY knows what she is doing and has made a few of these in her life time!


And beside her socks were flying off the needles…


And not to be out done…we even had some crocheting going down!!


Just LOOK at what Deborah is working on…and all done by hand!!  Ouch!  She must really LOVE Halloween!


Sandy made a gorgeous pillow to go with her Grand Daughter’s quilt…



What got me excited was how the piping wasn’t REAL piping but a binding.  Check it out…

The pillow was treated like a small quilt and then Sandy finished it off by putting a  binding on that looks even BETTER than piping!!  LOVE it!  Brilliant or what!


Yup…dang cute!!  Our Sandy is turning out to be a first rate quilter…who knew!? :o)


A few of us were in the kitchen sharpening our old rotary blades using this little gismo(owned by Heritage)!  I haven’t tried my newly sharpened blades but when I do I will let you know how they work!  Think of the money it will save if this sharpener works!!


So there you have it…all of this activity just around where I was sitting!!  Imagine if I took my camera and went and visited other tables!!  Maybe I will do that next week…

I bet you are all sitting on ‘pins and needles’…waiting…

Have a fantastic weekend and thanks for the visit!~P


  1. Yes, please let us know if the blade sharpener works--I just ordered some off brand rotary blades from eBay--haven't had a chance to try them yet, I'm still shoveling snow!!

  2. This blog is really informative i really had fun reading is really beneficial


  3. Wow, looks like a great productive get together.

    Thanks for sharing the inspiration.

  4. Everyone is working on lovely projects and such a variety. I'd have a hard time keeping my eyes on my own work! So much inspiration! Thank you for the links. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Everyone so busy with such nice projects. I love that green quilt with the leaves in it. I'd love to do some teapot blocks myself one day.

  6. Lots of great projects and I like seeing the quilt in different colors, that would be a nice database to have, one pattern done different ways. I am doing my snow lady, next will be the snowball piece.


  7. Lots of neat work there Paulette....I love both of those first 2 quilts

  8. preciosos trabajos!!!
    el verde el que mas me gusta
    (es mi color favorito)

  9. Love seeing all of that creativity. Your group has to be a fun, diverse mix.

    Yes, please let us know about that blade sharpener.
