Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Spot of Tea Anyone?

Yesterday I had every intention of finishing off this little pillow…but when I teamed it up with the background fabric…the white wool was just TOOOO white…I wanted it off white and stained..sort of like Molly!P1160304

So I made up a pot of tea (with 5 bags)…scrunched up the wool pillow top…and set it to steep a bit…


Then I rinced it and towel dried it till damp…


..and set it outside to catch a few rays…(the Christmas girl looks a little shocked, don’t you think?)


Now for the final test…aaahhhh…much better!  It is a nice mottled off white…just like Molly! (and we didn’t even interrupt her sleep!)


Maybe I will get this finished TODAY??  But first we are off to the COD and then it’s laundry day…

Last night we went to a Mexican FEAST prepare by our wonderful neighbours, Al and Lolita…blogging friends of my husband!  I have to tell you that the food was OUT OF THIS WORLD delicious!!


Have a look…but be prepared to drool…


YIKES!!  We better plan lots of HIKES this week…just look at those desserts!!  But a gal’s got to keep up her strength…right? 

Thanks SO much, Al and Lolita!  I am still full this morning!(…that’s what happens when you eat TWO…of EVERYTHING!)

Have a SUNNY SUNDAY and happy Quilting!


  1. Paulette I just love reading your post...quilting and the good life. I wish Lolita was my neighbor! Love the tea idea and looks like Molli didn't care at all. lol

  2. I just love that pattern and did go to our folk store, but she didn't have any good ones. At this rate, I have to finish what i have and one for me from last years magazine, so maybe I can hit a sale up north and get the patterns in the sale rack;)

    We are having beautiful weather, so another walk for me, then I can come home and eat more food, haha.


  3. I love using tea to make a project warmer. The food looks so good, that gives me some ideas for dinner tonight.

  4. Have you seen The Little Girls patterns at Daisy Cottage Quilting? They remind me of your wool girl. I purchased all the patterns.

  5. Love the toning down with the tea. I too used the tea approach twice in the last couple of weeks for some small really does the trick!

  6. A spot of tea was an excellent idea. It's adorable.

    Yummy feast with your friends.

  7. Your pillow is adorable! You sure are daring for sticking the whole thing in the tea. With my luck the red fabric would bleed.

  8. L love tea & coffee dying fabrics...just takes the brightness away!

  9. nice work on the pillow..and you are such a polite dinner guest eating two of everything!!!
