The sad news is…I’m going to have to shut down the Sewing Room…:o(( I’ve been doing tons of sewing…but nothing I can show you…yet!! Thanks goodness for friends!
Yesterday, Sharon (from Victoria) read my post on finishing up the Deceased Quilter’s UFO… she just HAD to share the project that she bought at the same Quilter’s Estate Garage Sale and finished!! Yes, I met Sharon at the GS…in fact she is the one who had emailed me to tell me about the sale!
Just LOOK at what Sharon (and Diana- the deceased quilter) created!! Spectacular!
If you remember, Diana had about 500+ UFOs…YES, you read correctly…that is NOT a typo!! There were bags and bags and bags and bags of fabric with 2 or 3 blocks inside and at every GS more bags were added! I think there were about 8-10 GSs in total!
Sharon did an awesome job of resurrecting this quilt!! I’m sure that there was a quilter ‘up there’ cheering Sharon on!!
Sharon also bought of bag of fabric and turned it into a Sunshine Block which she is donating to the “Sunshine for All” quilt. This is a quilt project that was started by an Australian man who is battling cancer. It sounds like Sharon is going to be hand delivering it to him while in Australia!
While on the plane, Sharon is planning on hand stitching the rest of these blocks…23 more to go!! Diana would be SEW proud!
Yup…isn’t it wonderful how Diana’s UFOs are taking shape…and by complete strangers! Quilters are the best!! Thanks for sharing, Sharon!! You are going to have some wonderful quilts when you are finished!! And have fun in Australia!
FREE!! Do I have your full attention?
Just feast your eyes on this sweet baby~It’s called ‘Peppermint Pinwheels’ and it’s FREE!! You heard me!! FREE! Heartsdesire is working on this sweet mat right now…fast and easy were her words, not mine…and it’s going to be on her coffee table shortly!! I would LOVE to make a few of these for gifts but I have officially run out of time…but YOU haven’t!!
Hustle over HERE, download the pattern and get cracking!! You can do it…After all you DO have 25 days till Christmas!! SEW..on your mark, get set… GO!!
‘Peppermint Pinwheels’ is an early Christmas present from quilt designer, Kathleen Tracy…THANK YOU, TRACY!! We appreciate it…don’t we gang?!! Uhhh…GANG?? Looks like they have all left to go and download their prezzie! :O)